La 9ème conférence internationale sur les Dégénérescences Fronto-Temporales se tiendra à Vancouver (Canada) du 23 au 25 octobre 2014.
Informations et inscriptions :
"Vancouver was recently selected to host the 9th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias (ICFTD), which will take place at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, from October 22 – 25, 2014. Drs. Ian Mackenzie and Howard Feldman will co-organize the meeting with assistance from the University of British Columbia, Division of Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD). The ICFTD is held every two years and is the only regularly scheduled international conference devoted to frontotemporal dementia (FTD), making it an important opportunity for FTD clinicians, researchers, trainees and caregivers from around the world to share knowledge with the goal of improving care for patients with this devastating neurodegenerative disease. This is a particularly exciting time in FTD research as significant recent advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of FTD now provide us with the foundation for the rational development of targeted therapies. It is anticipated that the 2014 conference will attract more than 600 international delegates. "