Le centre de référence des Démences Rares ou Précoces

Plan National Maladies Rares

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6th Winter Seminar on Dementia and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Italian Association for the Study of Dementia (Sindem), we are pleased to invite you and your collaborators to the “6th Winter Seminar on Dementia and Neurodegenerative Disorders – Sindem4Juniors” scheduled from January 17th-19th, 2018 in Bressanone, Italy.
We hope you will take part in this exceptional meeting.


Registration for the 6th International Winter Seminar on Dementia and Neurodegenerative Disorders is now open !

Call for Abstracts

Abstract submissions is now open !
We are pleased to inform you that the dead-line for abstracts’ submission is the November 19th, 2017.

Call for Young Moderators

Applicants are invited to submit a presentation letter and their CV
Submission for abstracts and young moderators is restricted to investigators under 40 years of age.

Please feel free to extend this invitation to all of your colleagues who may be interested in the event.

Organizing Secretariat
Segreteria SINdem
Tel. 0577 270870 - Fax 0577 289334

E-mail : segreteria@associazionesindem.it

Facebook : Sindem4Juniors

Website : www.sindem4juniors.it